IEP Checklist

Ever felt overwhelmed with the whole IEP process? You're not alone! Our IEP Checklist can be your guide, simplifying the process and offering the support you need.

Fill out the form to download the checklist and get started on a smoother IEP journey.

Download Our IEP Checklist Here!

Life Planning Guide


  • What is an IEP and who is eligible for it?

    IEP stands for Individualized Education Program. It's a plan or program developed to ensure that a child who has a disability identified under the law is receiving personalized instruction and related services.

  • How is an IEP developed and who is involved in the process?"

    The development of an IEP involves a team approach. It includes parents, teachers, school administrators, and other relevant professionals who work together to assess the child's needs and determine appropriate educational goals and services.

  • Can an IEP be changed or updated?

    Yes, an IEP can be revised as needed. The IEP team, which includes the parents, meets at least once a year to review the child's progress and determine whether the educational goals and services are meeting the child's needs. Adjustments can be made based on the child's progress and evolving needs.

Benefits of An IEP Checklist

  • Organize and Prioritize

    An IEP checklist can help you organize all the necessary information and prioritize the needs of your child. It can guide you in making sure all areas of concern are addressed, from academic goals to social and emotional needs. 

  • Monitor Progress

    An IEP checklist is a great tool for tracking your child's progress. It allows you to see at a glance what goals have been achieved and where more effort is needed. It's also an excellent way to keep everyone involved in your child’s education on the same page.

  • Advocate for Your Child

    With a comprehensive IEP checklist, you have a powerful tool to advocate for your child. It can be used to ensure that all necessary supports and services are in place and that your child's educational rights are being upheld.

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